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When do you feel at home in the University Quarter? A livable and safe environment is important to all of us, both during construction projects and renovations, and in the future when university buildings (such as the new University Library) are back in full use. But what does that mean to you: livable and safe? Share your vision with us through the survey. Participation is anonymous and takes about 15 minutes.

What do we do with the results?

We will discuss the results on 27 May 2024 during a working session where the municipality will also be present. Would you like to attend? Sign up here. For more information, click here (plase note: both links are only available in Dutch). 

We will use the input for our projects regarding the layout of the area. Such as the design of the entrance of building BG5 (Vendelstraat 7) and the layout of the construction site.