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On 1 September 2020, the quay wall at Grimburgwal outside BG2 collapsed. The UvA and the municipality of Amsterdam have taken temporary measures to ensure that the quay is safe to use.
  • Our task

    The UvA is preparing for the definitive restoration of the quay wall. It is doing this in partnership with the Bridges and Quay Walls Programme (PBK) of the municipality of Amsterdam, as the other quay walls and bridges on Grimburgwal also need to be replaced.

  • Tmeline
    • The project is in the design phase until Q2 2025.
    • The tender phase will be until Q3 2025.
    • The expectation is that the construction will start in Q3 2025.
    • The project will be finished in Q2 2026.

    Last updated: 27-11-2024

Image: gemeente Amsterdam
Quay walls in Amsterdam

The PBK provides information about the project to local residents. Would you like to stay informed about Grimburgwal?