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At Amsterdam Science Park, the municipality of Amsterdam and the UvA remain hard at work on the public space around the Matrix One and LAB42 buildings. It is nearly time to add plants and trees. These will give this part of Amsterdam Science Park a greener appearance and make it a more attractive place to be for both humans and animals.

In week 12, the soil in the planters and flower boxes will be improved to create a healthy basis for the new greenery. Once this work is complete, trees and other greenery will be planted. The exact date will depend on the weather: temperatures will need to rise first.

Prunus avium


Greening this part of Amsterdam Science Park will create more enjoyable and livelier surroundings for its users. Greenery retains water and improves the absorption of water into the soil, thus reducing the risk of flooding. Moreover, green areas retain less heat than areas that have been paved over and the moisture that evaporates from plants has a further cooling effect.

Verbena bonariensis

Planting schedule

A schedule has been prepared for the planting of plants and trees. This includes a list of the species of plants, shrubs and trees that will be planted. For example, the green areas will feature several varieties of Echinacea, a perennial with brightly coloured flowers that are popular with bees and butterflies. Another species that will be planted is Verbena bonariensis, or Argentinian vervain. Its tall leafless stems topped with purple flowers give it a striking appearance. The species of trees include a number of Prunus varieties, including Prunus avium – a wild cherry tree renowned for its bright white blossoms in spring.

See below for more information. Please note, these images are only available in the Dutch language.

Planting schedule (in Dutch)
Planting schedule (in Dutch)
List of trees (in Dutch)
List of trees (in Dutch)
List of plants (in Dutch)
List of plants (in Dutch)